Western New England Chapter - EAIFO

Integrity · Judgment · Dedication

Application to the Wne Chapter

By-Laws of the Western New England Chapter

Eastern Association of Intercollegiate Football Officials

Article II – Application For Membership – reference wne.eaifo.org/about/constitution-and-bylaws/ 

Article XIV – Committees – B. Screening Committee – To be composed of the Executive Committee whose duties shall be to review all applications for membership in the Chapter. The committee shall be chaired by the President.

Applicants for membership in the Western New England chapter shall meet the following criteria to be eligible for membership, and be recommended for membership by the Screening Committee. An applicant for membership:

  • Shall be at least 21 years of age as of January 1st of the year for which they apply for membership.
  • Shall have been a member of a recognized football officials association.
  • Submit written letters of recommendation from two present EAIFO members, and a passport type photo.
  • Comply with uniform screening procedures, and be physically fit to meet the demands of football officiating.
  • Provide the applicable forms listed below to the Eaifo Wne Chapter’s Secretary-Treasurer.

    Eaifo Application For Membership

    Eaifo Release Form

Eaifo/Wne Chapter
c/o Jason Farnsworth
244 E. Main St
North Adams, Ma 01247

Aug 8, 2024

Western New England Chapter - EAIFO © 2014 Design/Hosting: KNO Technology Group, LLC