Wne Chapter Organization Chart 2023
WNE OFFICERS - 2023 | |
President | Secretary-Treasurer |
Jason Farnsworth | William B. Mara |
1st Vice President | 2nd Vice President |
Jason Capogna | Kevin Landry |
Director | Director |
Chris Junjulas 2023-2026 | Tony Marcella 2021-2024 |
A. Finance Committee | B. Screening Committee |
Bill Mara, Chairman | Jason Farnsworth, Chairman |
Tony Marcella | Executive Committee |
Chris Junjulas | |
C. Program Committee | D. Constitution & By-Laws Committee |
Jason Farnsworth, Chairman | Jason Capogna, Chairman |
Executive Committee | Eric Lewis |
tba | |
E. Regional Area Committee | F. Banquet Committee |
Jason Capogna, Chairman | Kevin Landry, Chairman |
Albany - Jason Capogna | Executive Committee |
Berkshire - Jason Farnsworth | G. Nominating Committee |
Burlington - Bryan Fortier | John Rauseo, Chairman |
Hudson - Todd Boyd | Ben Truskowski |
Springfield - Kevin Landry | Jeff Muha |
H. Ad-hoc Committee Member | I. Policy Committee |
Bill Mara, S/T | Tony Marcella, Chairman |
Constitution and By-Laws | Chris Junjulas |
Policy and Oversight | Jason Farnsworth |
June 24, 2023 |
The President shall appoint members in good standing to the following committees and such others as may be authorized by the Executive Committee:
A. Finance Committee – To be composed of two (2) members and the Secretary-Treasurer whose duties will be to draw an operating budget, which will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. The committee shall inspect the financial records of the chapter annually and report their findings at the annual business meeting. The committee shall be chaired by the Secretary-Treasurer.
B. Screening Committee – To be composed of the Executive Committee whose duties shall be to set membership requirements that are in addition to Article II and to review all applications for membership in the Chapter. The committee shall be chaired by the President.
C. Program Committee – To be composed of the Executive Committee and be responsible for developing, recommending, and implementing programs, meeting agenda topics, discussion activities, techniques and other related activity designed to provide members with a base for continuing development of football knowledge and skills. The committee shall be chaired by the President.
D. Constitution/Bylaws Committee – To be composed of two (2) members and the First Vice President and be responsible for development, interpretation and maintenance of the WNE Chapter Constitution and Bylaws including review, comment and preparation of any proposed amendment thereto. The committee shall be chaired by the First Vice President. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be an Ad-Hoc member.
E. Banquet Committee – To be composed of the Executive Committee and be responsible for all aspects of the annual Chapter end of season banquet. The committee shall be chaired by the Second Vice President.
F. Nominating Committee – To be composed of the immediate Past President and two (2) members from different geographical locations, whenever possible, and be responsible for developing the slate of candidates for office for presentation at the annual business meeting. In years necessary, responsible for the nomination of director. The committee shall be chaired by the immediate past President.
G. Policy Committee – To be composed of both Directors and the President whose duties shall be to study and analyze problems of policy and to recommend any new policies. Each Director will be the chair in their 3rd and 4th year of their respective terms.The Secretary-Treasurer shall be an Ad-Hoc member.